We offer calibration mixtures for instruments that measure one specific substance or family of substances. Our offering includes span gases for single-point calibration (with a concentration corresponding to 70-80% of typical values to be measured) as well as the necessary set of mixtures to ensure a linear multi-point calibration within the intended measurement range.
Accurate Gas Mixtures
Customers Can Trust in Us for Mixes That Fit the Bill

Trusted Supplier of Specialty Gas Mixes for Analysis and Process/Quality Control Applications
We know that different monitoring, instrumentation and analysis applications call for different accurate gas mixtures. Our knowledge and experience span an extensive range of applications from air quality, stack emission, solvent and VOC monitoring to leak testing and explosimetry. This broad spectrum makes us an ideal source for the most widely requested and relevant specialty gas blends – all created to the highest accuracy standards. Highly optimized production processes and analysis methods allow us to offer calibration mixtures that accurately match your requirements for precision while satisfying the applicable standards (e.g. for manufacturing tolerance, analytical uncertainty, metrological traceability and stability). Read on for the mixture types most commonly requested by our customers.
Complementing this offering, we have a range of gas pressure regulators and gas distribution systems for accurate gas mixtures such as these. These are designed to meet the standards required for specialty gases and can deal with high and low pressures and flows.
Mixtures at a Glance
Specific Instrument Calibration Gases
General Instrument Calibration Mixtures
We offer calibration mixtures for instruments used to analyze a wide variety of chemical substances. General instruments like gas chromatographs (GC) are often calibrated by creating a multi-point calibration curve covering the intended measurement range and ensuring the linearity of the instrument. The accuracy of our calibration mixtures plays an invaluable role in helping you achieve analytical results with the expected level of accuracy and precision.
Threshold Monitor Mixtures
We offer threshold monitor mixtures within narrow blending tolerance and analytical uncertainty ranges to give you the accuracy you need for industrial hygiene applications. In addition, we offer these mixtures also in small portable cylinders like ECOCYL® to ensure your bump tests are carried out in a comfortable, quick and safe manner.
Hydrocarbon Mixtures
We generally supply liquefied hydrocarbon mixtures in a cylinder where the headspace has been pressurized using a high-purity inert gas such as helium. To keep the composition stable during use, we supply some mixtures in a cylinder using a dual-port valve to allow additional pressure to be fed into the cylinder to maintain the headspace pressure. In specific cases, we can also supply these mixtures in piston cylinders.
Customized Mixtures
We also offer customized mixtures for your specific application, provided that all the components you require are compatible with each other and with the materials of the package (based on their chemical and physical properties), are stable for a sufficient period of time and do not compromise our strict product safety policy. Each new mixture must pass our preliminary feasibility check.